Alumni Association History


Over the years, Kappa Alpha Psi Incorporated, Gamma Pi Chapter Fraternity Line Brothers, and other Brothers in the Bond; have traditionally joined together to conduct annual reunions and social gatherings, at select locations throughout the United States, to celebrate their love of Kappa Alpha Psi, Gamma Pi, and Alcorn State University. In 2008, Gamma Pi Brothers gathered and officially organized the first annual reunion for ALL Brothers of the Gamma Pi origin. Throughout this monumentous occasion, Gamma Pi Brothers agreed to consolidate resources to celebrate their beloved Gamma Pi Chapter, and to reconnect Brothers from each chapter’s pledge year. During this occasion, Brothers agreed to reach out and unify ALL Gamma Pi Brothers, and to consolidate necessary resources to establish a scholarship fund for undergraduate Brothers attending Alcorn State University.

In the Fall of 2008, seventeen Brothers met at the Hilton Hotel in Jackson, Mississippi, to establish a Non-Profit 501C-3 Organizational tax exemption status to provide an endowed scholarship fund for undergraduate Gamma Pi Brothers attending Alcorn State University. During this meeting the “Gamma Pi Alumni Association” was founded.

The Gamma Pi Alumni Association was founded to support undergraduate Brothers at Alcorn State University, and to provide community service support to those in need within underserved and underrepresented communities. On May 1 – 3, 2009, the first official annual Gamma Pi Alumni Association reunion was held at the Clarion Hotel in Jackson, Mississippi. The reunion featured a, formal banquet/business meeting and the highlight of the affair was Kappa Alpha Psi Incorporated 31st Grand Polemarch, Brother Dwayne Murray as the guest speaker. The available services and accommodations consisted of tours of the City of Jackson, Mississippi, a trip and tour of the Alcorn State University Campus, social activities, and religious services.

Throughout the Gamma Pi Alumni Association’s annual reunions, Brothers have joined together in fellowship to celebrate their love of Kappa Alpha Psi, Gamma Pi, and Alcorn State University. Brothers have established a successful endowed scholarship fund at Alcorn State University; Brothers have joined together to establish a successful Marino Casem Scholarship Golf Tournament; Brothers have conducted invaluable community service which lead to feeding the homeless and hungry within the City of Jackson; Distant Brothers have reunited and reconnected; and Brothers have provided funds to support undergraduate members at Alcorn State University.

The future of the Gamma Pi Alumni Association is bright, and as we move forward throughout the 21st Century, the desire to achieve and the drive to excel will continue to be the foundation of this Brotherhood.

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